Author Archives: MikeQ


Nobody likes cheap people . . . but in the restaurant business we really don’t like them. Take 99.9% of the customers at Johnny D’s, and we have no complaints.  But then there are the remaining 00.1% — the cheap, … Continue reading

Posted in Life on a Cocktail Napkin | 16 Comments

Late Saturday Night

. . .  It’s 4:30 in the morning and after a Saturday night of working behind the taps, I’ve got nothing ready to post. This has been a long two weeks at the club as we put the bar staff … Continue reading

Posted in Life on a Cocktail Napkin | 7 Comments

“VENGEANCE DOUCE” (sweet revenge)

I like what I do for work.  I love tending bar.  Hell, I’m in a good mood today even after working extra shifts this week. I certainly don’t have the complaints most workers have about their jobs, but that doesn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Life on a Cocktail Napkin | 12 Comments


Well, I had to work an extra day this week.  One of the bartenders asked me to work for him Thursday because his mother and younger sister had flown in from Venezuela.  He hadn’t seen this little sister in over … Continue reading

Posted in Life on a Cocktail Napkin | 14 Comments


There was a news story on the internet this week about a man who called 9-1-1 because the prostitute he was in bed with tried to charge him extra money. In the bar business we also have our share of … Continue reading

Posted in Life on a Cocktail Napkin | 10 Comments