Author Archives: MikeQ

HALL OF FAMERS (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)

Today’s post is quite a bit lighter than last week’s.  It’s about one of my favorite pastimes behind the bar — spotting nominees for The Hall of Fame. There’s been a HOF in every place I’ve worked, and typically the … Continue reading

Posted in Life on a Cocktail Napkin | 7 Comments


This week’s post will be short.  I was running behind anyway, then one of our bartenders wanted to switch our Weds/Thurs shifts to attend a concert. A full post is coming next week, but in the meantime here’s a short … Continue reading

Posted in Life on a Cocktail Napkin | 5 Comments

FAVORITE NAMES (Johnny La La and others)

I love a good name.  I love unusual names.  I love names that are just fun to hear pronounced.  I collect them, mostly by memory, although more than a few have been jotted on cocktail napkins. Today, I feel like … Continue reading

Posted in Life on a Cocktail Napkin | 11 Comments

Regular post tomorrow, . . . today a sad announcement

We’ll be back for our regular post tomorrow night, but for those of you who knew Mike Daley, either in person or from here, I have some sad news.  Mike has lost his long battle with cancer.  He was a … Continue reading

Posted in Life on a Cocktail Napkin | 3 Comments

ANOTHER DAY (behind the bar)

The day started out shaky and quickly got worse.  This past Friday morning, with only four hours sleep, I found myself at the computer working on The Book.  (At least I’m putting the time in now after all these years.) … Continue reading

Posted in Life on a Cocktail Napkin | 10 Comments